November 2018

Dear Friends,

Praise God for the opportunity to serve Him and His children. Read on to see how God blessed us in ministry this month.

International Day of Prayer for Orphans

A serious chat with a clown about his dreams...

29 volunteers traveled 995 miles to 5 orphanages to visit and pray for 420 children during the week leading up to the International Day of Prayer Day for orphans. Volunteers talked with the children, had fun activities and treats for the children and prayed for them.

During our time with them, the children shared their dreams with us. Many dream of having a family, one boy dreams of having a bike, and little girl wanted to be able to write. Older children had dreams of graduating and living a good life on their own. Every child has a dream and we want to listen to them.

Teeth need fixin' and cleanin'
On giving Tuesday we received just over $300 of the $1500 needed for this project. If you would like to help brighten the smiles of orphans in the Chornaya orphanage, consider a gift to this project.

You can give a donation through Go Fund Me

JAM Day Center for At Risk Children
One of the main goals at the center is to help the children learn and to do their school lessons. Children from troubled homes are not receiving help from their parents and so we are filling in the gap.

Another goal is spiritual learning. This month the children focused on Proverbs 1:10 "My son, if sinners entice you, do not agree." Many lessons about this were learned.

Learning how to live life is another goal. How do we do that?? This month we spent time with kids "shopping." They learned how to pick things and how to purchase with the "money" they had been given.
Sports! You can learn a lot about life playing sports. We didn't tell the kids...SHHHH....but games this month helped them learn to be compliant with rules, endurance, discipline, dedication, and ability to work in a team!

Dasha update -
Dasha parents' rights have been officially terminated by the government. Please pray for Dasha and that her heart would be healed and that God would bring redemption in her life. She will remain at the center in Kiev until she is available for adoption.

Uliana, leader of the JAM Day Center, recently visited her. It's so good to see joy on her face.

JOY! Center for Children With Autism
"Oh, how I love these children!!", says Liuba the leader of the JOY! Center.

This month's report in photos. ;)

Orphanage Visits
This month we visited many orphanages on our monthly trips, but we want to highlight the visita to the deaf children in Bolgrad and our girls with special needs in Krasnosyolka.

"We thought we came from monkeys!" Children in the orphanage for deaf children were surprised to hear the good news that a loving God created them. These children are hearing this good news of His love for them for the first time. Please pray for God to continue to hold the door open for our ministry to these children.

Krasnosyolka girls receive coats! Praise God for the financial support to purchase our dear girls warm attire for the winter.

On another visit we shared with the girls the parable of The Good Samaritan teaching them to be kind to one another. They loved making masks! These girls are a delight!

Prayer Needs
1. Winter Camps

2. Finances for Heritage Ukraine

3. Holiday Projects

Thank you for your prayers and support.
God Bless,
Slavik and Alyona Puzanov,
Heritage Ukraine Team

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