
Greetings to you all. God has blessed our ministry this month in many ways. We are so grateful for warm weather and time outdoors with all the kids.

Our favorite photos of the month are these pictures of volunteers reading the Jesus Story Book Bible with the children. Children need the truth and these volunteers help them learn it. One photo is in the orphanage and the other is in the JOY! Center for Children with Autism. The Gospel is shared with all the children we minister to.
Team Time!
We started the month with an amazing gift, a retreat with our team. A time to stop and take an assessment of our spiritual state and to get charged and inspired to move forward.

Thank you to the sponsors that provided this time for us.
Orphanage Ministry
  • Spring Camp
This month we held a week long day camp with the children in the orphanage in Zhovten. A super great team of people came from America, UK, and Ukraine to be with the kids during their break. The games were loved by all ages and all kinds of kids because there was such variety and everyone was skilled at something. Bible time focused on Jonah.

Consider joining us int the fall for a camp to invest in the lives of the children daily for many days.
  • Eye Exams
Many children are in need of eye exams and glasses. We have coordinated several projects this past month sending doctors to orphanages in Kilia, Pishana, and Bolgrad to give exams to the children. We are grateful for partnership with Hearts of Hope and Share the Hope as we did these projects.

Let us know if you would like to sponsor this program in another orphanage. The cost is about $500 per orphanage.
  • Hearing Aids
Another need is for children to receive hearing aids in the orphanage for children that have hearing disabilities. A little over a year ago, we met John Sims. This month he partnered with us in the orphanage in Bolgrad and gave 20 hearing aids to the children we have been working with. Praise God! John celebrated 20 years in ministry recently and has given over 1,000 hearing aids to orphans and at risk children in Ukraine. We celebrated with him and his team.
JOY! Center for Children with Autism
April 2nd was Worldwide Autism Awareness Day

We brought awareness to our community by holding a fair in the city square in the nearby town of Yuzhniy. Many came and participated and learned more about how to embrace all people.

Donations that day will be for children with Autism to participate in Camp LELA.
Heritage Ukraine held a race to create awareness about our JOY! Center for Children with Autism and to raise funds for these children to attend camp. It was a great event for our team and they were excited that they raised enough funds for over 20 children to attend Camp LELA! Praise God!

Friends from the US and partners with Young Stars also joined is in running that day.
JAM (Jesus and Me) Day Center
Kids at the JAM Center enjoyed a variety of activities this month. They learned about space and aviation, shared about Easter at Church, and saw a reenactment of the Easter story in the center of Odessa. Friendships grow stronger and the children learn much from our leaders.
The pool continues to take shape and we are only missing the funding for the liner to continue with the project.
We have raised 13% of the needed funds for Camp LELA 2019. We continue to pray and trust that God will provide all that is needed in the coming months. Would you consider a donation to sponsor a child to come to camp? The cost is $100 per child. There are also significant costs for hot water to be installed in the shower house, the pool, new cabins, and the meeting place.
Prayer Needs
1. Camp LELA 2019 planning
2. Finances for Camp LELA building
3. Our team and volunteers that work daily to help so many children.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

God Bless,
Slavik and Alyona Puzanov - Director
Heritage Ukraine Team
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