Learning and Growing!
Greetings to each and everyone of you! We pray that you are doing well and that spring has sprung in your area. We love being outside and the kids do, too. March was a great month of ministry for us and we are blessed to serve many.

Currently, our biggest needs are prayer for our property as we work through documents and agreements and also for finances for Camp LELA 2019. Children are asking and hoping that they will be able to participate this summer. What stands between them and that opportunity? Finances. See the end of the letter to know how to best help.

Orphanage Ministry
Haircuts, Bible lessons, prayer time, games, crafts and much more. We will let the photos share this month of the ministry that happened in the orphanages.

JOY! Center for Children with Autism
As a team we participated in World Down Syndrome Day on March 21st. The children in the JOY! Center also learned about this as we colored socks and discussed how we are all different. We are blessed to be part of these children's lives and humbled to be leaders in our community as we bring awareness about how to love and embrace all people.
JOY! Center children had a busy month developing in individual therapy, learning how to make sandwiches, hearing Bible stories, and enjoying many activities that help them grow in their understanding of the life that surrounds them. Many of the children need to learn how to play and how to do daily activities. It's encouraging to watch them grow.

JAM (Jesus and Me) Day Center
Kids at the JAM center are experiencing many things. We teach them about Jesus, how to live by Biblical principles, help with homework, and enjoy many activities. This month they enjoyed rock climbing, making cake pops, making crafts, enjoying quests outdoors, and many other good times together.
Sasha and Slavik stayed with us for many weeks until they were given the opportunity to stay at the Christian shelter right here in Odessa. We miss them, but we are so thankful they are in a good place.

Pray that God will bring them a loving Christian family.

Pray for their grandmother and mother as they work through the many issues they struggle with including alcoholism.
Dasha is growing in all ways! She is getting very tall! She is doing well and enjoying dance classes now. We continue to hear good reports from the shelter in Kiev as she heals and grows.

Spring Break in Odessa means the boys can go away for the week. The team of men traveled quite a distance by train to Western Ukraine with the young boys. They had a great time hiking. Most importantly many boys grew in their knowledge of the God who created them. Relationships with the men also grew deeper as lots of good conversations happen in the mountains. Each boy grew as he challenged himself to climb higher and hike further each day.

This pile of wood is being turned into amazing things for the children. We are working on a meeting place, several new cabins, and also a structure that holds the new and bigger pool.

Prayer Needs
1. Camp LELA 2019 planning
2. Finances for Camp LELA building
3. Our team and volunteers that work daily to help so many children.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

God Bless,
Slavik and Alyona Puzanov
Heritage Ukraine Team

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