James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this; to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
Each day we rise and choose to live our lives defending the weak and the orphans and looking after them as God has called us to do. It is easy to look at the orphan crisis in our region, country, and even across the world and wonder why? Why is God allowing this? We believe that God, since the earliest of times, called the Church to care for orphans. He knew that the poor and fatherless would always be among us and His answer was the Church.

We feel called to not only serve, but to give opportunities to others to answer the call to care for orphans.

We have several opportunities to share with you.

International Day of Prayer for Orphans
November 11th is the International Day of Prayer for Orphans. We have a small flyer that we would like to send you that would help guide you and your church in praying for orphans and the ministry of Heritage Ukraine. You can involve your church by simply asking your church leadership to take a moment during the service to pray for orphans.

Would you be willing to pray for orphans on this day?

Please contact us with your address and we will send the flyers to you.

Support our ministry
Heritage Ukraine has a variety of different ministries including orphanage ministry, JAM (ministry to vulnerable children), JOY (ministry to children with disabilities), and Camp LELA (a summer camp). Heritage Ukraine has 18 staff members that oversee these ministries and over four hundred volunteers that help throughout the year.

Our monthly operation budget is $6,000 a month and we have less than 50% of this as committed monthly support for 2019.

At the end of 2018, we will lose a large portion of our support that is specifically used to cover the expenses of the orphanage ministry. The budget for ministry in 18 different orphanages is $3,000 a month. Without this funding, our ministry to children in orphanages will change significantly as we will not be able to travel to their locations as often.

Would you consider partnering with us on a monthly basis giving $100 a month?
Would you consider asking your church to partner with us?

Mission Trips
We would be blessed to have you come to Odessa to serve orphans with us.

These trips cost $375, which will cover your costs for food and lodging, airport transfer, and will cover some of the cost of the project. The cost for airfare is variable.

Prayer Day Marathon
Visiting a different orphanage everyday and praying for them.
November 5th - 9th
Winter Camp
Celebrating the holidays in the orphanage with the children.
January 2nd - 5th or January 9th - 12th.

We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?
Our team is meeting this week to plan and pray for the ministry that is ahead of us as we transition out of summer ministry. We are praying for you and that God would specifically show you how to care for orphans as he has called us to do.

God Bless,
Slavik and Alyona Puzanov
Heritage Ukraine Team

Psalm 82:3 Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.

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