Winter Camp - Financial Need

Dear Friends,

It's hard to believe that 2019 is almost over. We are hurrying to complete many things as we are preparing for the holiday season.

As we look back over the last year, we see the amazing things that God has done through us and our team.
Winter Camp
Holidays in our country start as early as the 24th of December and extend until mid- January. Children without families sit alone in the orphanages with no attention and with nothing to do.
Winter Camp is a time for them to engage in activities and to see God's love portrayed.
This holiday season we hope to host 5 camps. What holds us back is the finances for these camps. Each camp costs about $1000 and we currently have only enough for one camp. Please consider a gift to support holiday fun for orphans
New Ministry - The Bridge
Year after year teens leave the orphanage to begin a life of their own. Every single one is unprepared to live life and to integrate into society.

This fall we have started a new ministry to bridge the gap between life in the orphanage and life on the outside.
Each month we work with one orphanage and the teens that will graduate in May. The first few meetings we talk about having a dream, choosing a career, how to build a family, how to find a church, and many other pertinent topics.

One weekend they come to our territory in Odessa and they learn more about budgeting, cooking, and cleaning. They also have the opportunity to explore trade schools, attend church, and visit Christian homes for graduates of the orphanage.

We are determined to change the statistics as we walk alongside these graduates in the coming years.
Prayer Needs
1. Teams for Winter Camp
2. Finances for Winter Camp
3. The Bridge Ministry

Thank you for your prayers and support.

God Bless,
Slavik and Alyona Puzanov - Director
Heritage Ukraine Team
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